Strona: Questionnaire / Department for International Cooperation



Questionnaire for incoming Erasmus students on quality of organizing mobility at RUT

Dear incoming Erasmus students,

Be so kind as to take a few minutes to fill in a short questionnaire.

The questionnaire is anonymous. Feel free to make any suggestions to help us to improve hosing Erasmus students at our university.

Your faculty at RUT *

Student house you are living in *

What were the reasons of participating in the Erasmus programme (tick up to 3) *

Is it you first Erasmus experience? *

What was the main reason for choosing RUT for your mobility? *

Your knowledge of English: *

Teachers’ knowledge of the English *

Was the content of the classes (subject) interesting? *

Were the number of hours allocated to the classes appropriate? *

Did the classes enrich your knowledge? *

Guidance provided by the International Office before and after your arrival to RUT: *

Indicate if anything could be improved in organizing Erasmus stay at RUT

Indicate if anything could be improved in organizing Erasmus stay at RUT: 1. Teaching…/ 2. Student houses……/ 3. University administration……/ 4. Welcome programme……/ 4. No need for an improvement

Would you recommend ERASMUS studies at RUT after return to your home university? *

How would you score your Erasmus experience at RUT? *

Any other comment if you have one ^.^