From 21st to 25th May the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture welcomed professors Carlo Biagini from the Faculty of Architecture and Pietro Capone from the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering both working at the University of Florence The didactic visit took place as a part of the Erasmus + Programme. The most important parts of the guests stay were lectures about innovative applications of BIM (Building Information Modelling) technology in the inventory of historic buildings and the construction site organization. Prof. Biagini lectured on BIM in the documentation, refurbishment, and management of historical building heritage, to the BSc third year architecture students and a group of academic teachers of the faculty, while the lecture of prof. Capone on BIM and construction and safety management was given to the BSc third year civil engineering students and the MSc first year civil engineering students. In addition, professors participated in the laboratory classes of geometry and engineering graphics for BSc students of civil engineering and were familiarized with the thematic scope and methods of classes implementation. They also visited the faculty buildings including the Construction Research Laboratory and a workshop of visual arts and workshop techniques. The guests were received by the Vice-dean of Development, prof. Bartosz Miller, DSc, PhD, Eng. During the meeting, the possibility of establishing close cooperation between the represented universities in the use of BIM technology, including the organization of joint summer internships for students of both universities was discussed.
In addition to the activities carried out within the walls of our university, guests from Italy visited the historic wooden churches in Blizne and Haczów, inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Churches made a huge impression on them due to architectural forms and construction material, significantly different from those used in Italy. They also visited Krakow, becoming acquainted with its most important monuments.
Dr. Maciej Piekarski, Eng.
Translation: Izabela Kostka