Strona: Department for International Cooperation / Web page: 11


17 Mar

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the public

17-03-2020 r.
Basic protective measures against the new coronavirus
21 Feb

Internatonal meeting at RUT

21-02-2020 r.
Partners' meeting under the Erasmus + / Strategic Partnerships with the participation of the representatives from Norwegian, Lithuanian, Estonian and Italian institutions.
05 Feb

Rzeszów on the podium of the ranking of Polish cities for young people

05-02-2020 r.
Rzeszów came second in the Europolis ranking, which measures the attractiveness of Polish cities for their young residents.
15 Jan

EUR 32 thousand from EEA funds for trips to Norway and Iceland

15-01-2020 r.
Academics and students will be able to go to lectures and studies to universities in Norway and Iceland as part of the Mobility in Higher Education project in the Education Programme.
30 Dec

Erasmus+ photo competition

30-12-2019 r.
Designed to celebrate 10 milion participants!
27 Dec

Become a Digital Ambassador of Poland

27-12-2019 r.
Are you a student or alumni of Polish university? You feel that your Polish experience is something special indeed and you would like to share it with the world?
25 Sep

International Week 2019

25-09-2019 r.
The event is foreseen for our new Erasmus+ students and international students from partner universities.
13 Aug


13-08-2019 r.
A survey for the beneficiaries of the Erasmus+ STA mobility
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