Strona: Department for International Cooperation / Web page: 9


04 Dec

German scholarships for PhD students

04-12-2020 r.
Funding for PhD students is provided by Immanuel-Kant-Stipendium and the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds.
25 Nov

"Discover at HUST" - online lectures at HUST (China)

25-11-2020 r.
"Discover at HUST" is a one-month free online course for students who are restricted at home due to COVID-19 and can prepare to study in China.
20 Nov

Webinarium: „Building FAIR data policies and services within universities”

20-11-2020 r.
European University Associacion and the FAIRsFAIR project partners invite you to the webinar “Building FAIR data policies and services within universities” on Tuesday, 8 December at 14.00-15.00 CET
18 Nov

Adamas University (Kolkata, India) invites students to the conference

18-11-2020 r.
Invitation for students to participate in International Students' Conference ISC – ADAMAS 2020 (Virtual Conference) on 5th December 2020.
15 Oct

The joy of Erasmus - we've got the winners!

15-10-2020 r.
Check up who they are
05 Oct

Study UK Europe: Gateway to the UK

05-10-2020 r.
Register now and join the British Council’s online university fair dedicated to European students considering study in the UK!
22 Sep

4th International Conference on Design, Simulation, Production: Innovation...

22-09-2020 r.
From 8 to 11 June 2021, the 4th International Conference on Design, Simulation, Production: Innovation Exchange (DSMIE-2021) will be held in Lviv.
22 Sep

EUA webinar: Universities and open innovation

22-09-2020 r.
EUA is offering a webinar on open innovation and universities. Thursday, October 8, 2020 at 2:00 PM Brussels.
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