Strona: Department for International Cooperation / Web page: 5


02 Sep

HR Starter

02-09-2022 r.
Free of charge HR course for recent university graduates and students in their final years. Organized by the University of Montenegro, Pomorski fakultet Kotor, Montenegro
09 Aug

Falling Walls Lab competition in Warsaw

09-08-2022 r.
Do you have an idea how to solve an existing scientific problem? No one will notice your idea of you don’t show it to the world yourself. Apply to Falling Walls Lab Warsaw
26 Jul

Professors from Latin America

26-07-2022 r.
Between 20th and 24th June RUT hosted incoming staff from Brazil and Colombia under the Erasmus programme.
27 May

Summer School

27-05-2022 r.
University of Montenegro invites students and professionals for a Summer School in Kotor between 18th and 23rd July. Deadline to apply 12th June.
05 May

XVIII International Student Seminar on Management and Financial Issues

05-05-2022 r.
W dniach 5 i 6 maja 2022 r. spotkamy się podczas XVIII Studenckiego Seminarium Międzynarodowego „International Student Seminar on Management and Financial Issues. Obrady będą miały charakter zdalny.
04 May

The best Polish students party

04-05-2022 r.
01 Apr

Student conference BUP 2022

01-04-2022 r.
The Baltic University Programme’s coordinating secretariat at Uppsala University and the Slovak University of Agriculture can proudly present the BUP’s annual student conference (22-25 May 2022).
24 Mar

Go for Erasmus!

24-03-2022 r.
Erasmus student Aliaksei from Vilnius Gediminas Technical University tells you if going for an exchange is worthwhile.
Message archive