Strona: Conference at Lankaran State University | Azerbaijan / Dział Współpracy Międzynarodowej

Conference at Lankaran State University | Azerbaijan


On December 22, 2023, Lankaran State University will host an international scientific conference called "Toward biological diversity protection and ecologically sustainable socio-economic development".

Theses requirements:

  1. Theses should be written in Times New Roman 12 font, with 1 space;
  2. Thesis text should be 1-2 pages long and should be designed according to the name of the conference;
  3. The text of the thesis can be submitted in Azerbaijani, Russian, English and Turkish languages;
  4. The author's last name, first name, academic title and academic degree, institution and e-mail address must be indicated in the thesis;

 (for employees of Lankaran State University)

  1. Abstracts for the conference will be accepted until December 1, 2023;
  2. Prepared theses are accepted at

The participation at the conference is free.
The costs of travel, accommodation and insurance are covered by the participant privately.


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