Strona: Georgian Technical University partner search / Dział Współpracy Międzynarodowej

Georgian Technical University partner search

, red.  Monika Stanisz

Georgian Technical University (GTU),  a leading engineering higher educational institution is the biggest technical public university in Georgia. 

GTU has an extensive experience of participating and leading EU-funded capacity building (15 Tempus, 8 CBHE), Horizon/FP7 programmes (14),  as well as within KA1 by collaborating with well-known European Universities. (
Taking into consideration the new launch of the Programme, especially in Capacity Building KA2 and EMDM actions, a special value is raised in the involvement of third and associated countries in the Programme which makes it more open and inclusive.  We also would like to emphasize, that apart from Erasmus+ Programme to see the possibilities in partaking in projects within  Horizon Europe.
Hereby, we would like to express our interest and readiness for collaboration. We are looking for any relevant consortium and are eager to collaborate, and at the same time we are compiling a list of potential international partners to share/consider information for partnership in various applications in the future, etc.
We, for our part, promise institutional support and maximum use of our capacities in order to contribute to the common goals of the future project.
Please, consider our inclusion during the consortium formation process.

Short leaflet including brief information about the university. 
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