Strona: International competition: Black Sea Science 2022_"Industry 4.0" / Dział Współpracy Międzynarodowej

International competition: Black Sea Science 2022_"Industry 4.0"


International competition of student research papers Black Sea Science 2022 in the category "Information technology, automation and robotics". The nomination covers many areas, united by the modern term "Industry 4.0".

The aim of the competition

The aim of the competition is to expand international relations and attract students to cooperation in scientific research. Participation in the competition is free. The competition is held by the Odessa National Technological University (ONTU, Ukraine) under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the international organization Black Sea Universities Network (BSUN).

Remote Participation

Participation in the competition is remote; participants present their works using modern computer programs for teleconferences (for example, ZOOM). To take part in Black Sea Science 2022, students must prepare and send to the organizers a work in English (no more than 15 pages) by February 1, 2022.


The competition is held for the fifth time, its geography, despite the name Black Sea, is quite extensive, last year 239 student works from 40 universities took part in it: Germany, Canada, USA, Costa Rica, Brazil, India, Pakistan, Israel, China, Turkey, Macedonia, Poland, Slovakia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Moldova, Bulgaria, Ukraine. 69 student research papers competed in the "Information Technologies, Automation and Robotics" nomination, the list of participants and winners in this nomination can be found here

Publication of materials

All materials that will come and will be reviewed in the direction of "Information Technology, Automation and Robotics" will be published in a collection that will be published in ONTU and will be displayed in the Academy's repository (example of last year's collection of materials, the best works will be published free of charge in the Central European Researchers Journal (Slovakia, or in the Automation оf Technological and Business Processes "(Ukraine, All participants and project managers will receive certificates, the winners - diplomas and valuable prizes (provided by sponsors - IT firms of Ukraine).

Additional information about the competition - on the official website, requirements for participants and works - The languages of the competition are English and Ukrainian, works are submitted only in English (no more than 15 pages). The jury of the competition in the IT direction is represented by scientists-specialists from different countries

To participate in the competition, you must register in advance at and send it electronically until February 1, 2022  (on the registration sheet or at ) Competitive work in English and information about the authors (in this case, a confirmation of receipt of the materials will be sent in response).

If you have any questions, please contact the organizing committee by e-mail

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