Strona: International science conference: The artificial intelligence in the field of the security – advantages and threats / Dział Współpracy Międzynarodowej

International science conference: The artificial intelligence in the field of the security – advantages and threats


 Zaproszenie do udziału w międzynarodowej konferencji naukowej Wyższej Szkoły Bezpieczeństwa i Ekonomii (HSSE) w Plovdiv, Bułgaria, pt.:  „Sztuczna inteligencja w dziedzinie bezpieczeństwa – zalety i zagrożenia”. Konferencja odbędzie się 30 września 2022 r. Wyższa Szkoła Bezpieczeństwa i Ekonomii w Plovdiv jest uczelnią partnerską Politechniki Rzeszowskiej.


Thematic directions

First Panel

Systems with artificial intelligence in the security

  1. The role of the artificial intelligence in collecting and processing of scouting information
  2. The artificial intelligence in counteracting security risks
  3. The fight with the fake news and artificial intelligence
  4. Military applications of the systems with artificial

Second Panel

The artificial intelligence as a factor for economic growth and substainable development

  1. Optimizing of the deliveries via artificial intelligence
  2. Possibilities for increasing the manufacturing by using artificial intelligence
  3. Artificial intelligence and circle economic
  4. The artificial intelligence in advertising and e-commerce
  5. The artificial intelligence in the finance: automation and banking

Third Panel

The artificial intelligence and the administration

  1. The automation on the working places – challenges and opportunities
  2. The artificial intelligence in a help of managing of the corporations
  3. The benefit from artificial intelligence in studding and employees’ education
  4. Impact of digital information on administration and management

Fourth Panel

Public management, smart technologies and management of the human resources

  1. The smart technologies and the public politics – from theoretic conception to good practices
  2. Management of the human resources in the context of the smart technologies and the artificial intelligence
  3. The public management after COVID-19 – faster, more effective, more efficient, smarter
  4. Competences and skills for the future - the challenges in a society focused on innovation and sustainable development
  5. The future of the artificial intelligence – points of view and identification of the related sides

Fifth Panel

Ethics and Artificial Intelligence

  1. Ensuring the ethical behavior of artificial intelligence systems
  2. Building a trust in the work with artificial intelligence
  3. EU legislative proposals in the field of artificial intelligence – the European Commission's proposal for an artificial intelligence legislation

Sixth Panel

The artificial intelligence and the social sciences

  1. The artificial intelligence and the modern politic – is it possible a hybrid management
  2. The sociological research, the artificial intelligence and the social manipulations
  3. The journalism, media and artificial intelligence


Deadlines for submission:

until May 30, 2022 – the Application for participation

The Application for participation in the conference must be sent by 30.V.2022 to the e-mail of the HSSE.

until August 30, 2022 – the report of the conference

The participation tax:

50 Euro per person and should be paid via bank transfer on:
Eurobank Bulgaria AD; IBAN: BG 97 BPBI 7924 1066 753909; BIC: BPBIBGSF
Deadline for the fee May 30, 2022.

The application for participation, program and requirements for the formatting of the report will be published online on:

Contact us:

Elena Arnaudova –

Antonia Shehova-Vasileva –

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