Strona: Música Brasileña / Dział Współpracy Międzynarodowej

Música Brasileña

, red.  Monika Stanisz

UFOP’s International Relations Office would like to invite you to join us in our new offer of our International Virtual Mobility Program. 

Considering the positive evaluation regarding the courses offered in August 2021 through the ANDIFES International Virtual Mobility Program “Destination: Brazil”, we have the pleasure to announce that we are going to have a new offer of the online extension course Música Brasileña”, held in Spanish by professor João Fortunato Soares de Quadros Júnior. 

The classes will be online, between January 24th and January 28th, 2022 from 2pm to 5pm (GMT-3).

The participation is free of charge and applications are available to students, teachers, and administrative staff from all our partner institutions.

 Música Brasileña:

Registrations are available from December 9th, 2021 to January 9th, 2022 exclusively through the application form.

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